Songs I Enjoyed a Lot in 2014

Hi friends, here’s a robust round-up of tunes in no particular order that I played the hell out of in the year 2014. It’s a splendid mix of loud, melodic, menacing, hopeful, dark, sweet and crunchy. There’s something for everyone because I care about you guys and I also have a deep-seated, almost debilitating need to be loved. So click those little play buttons, do some air drumming then support these artists and buy their records.

Interview with Jon Solomon: Things You Need to Know about His 25-Hour Holiday Radio Show on WPRB

Interview with Jon Solomon: Things You Need to Know about His 25-Hour Holiday Radio Show on WPRB

When I first started the show I had to play everything the station had regardless of quality, because I didn’t have a library of my own and I wanted to fill the time with holiday cheer. Now I have too much great music to hope to squeeze into the 24 hour window. It sounds like a long time, but it divides down to around 300 songs when all is said and done.